Mel Doyle to host PSA25
Friday | Nov 29 2024THE Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has announced TV personality Melissa Doyle will return to emcee its national conference PSA25, from 01-03 Aug 2025 in Sydney.
Best long COVID treatments
Friday | Nov 29 2024COGNITIVE behavioural therapy (CBT) and a program of physical and mental rehabilitation may help improve symptoms of long covid, but the effects are modest, according to a review of the latest evidence published in the BMJ.
Glucojel Glucojoy
Friday | Nov 29 2024GLUCOJEL is running a major campaign for a $10,000 giveaway, so get your orders in and make sure your shelves are well-stocked with the popular product to attract more customers in-store.
Chemsave saves
Friday | Nov 29 2024WHETHER it’s catalogue pre-order rebates, dispensary assistance subscriptions or bonus stock, aligning with Chemsave delivers bottom-line benefits.
Dispensary Corner 29 Nov 24
Friday | Nov 29 2024IT turns out that voice hoarseness isn’t just an annoying cold and flu symptom, or the result of a screaming match – it could indicate a serious health threat.
PD for Fri 29 Nov 2024
Friday | Nov 29 2024Mel Doyle back for PSA25, APP Black Friday sale, long COVID treatment update, and more
Cannabis market booming
Thursday | Nov 28 2024A REPORT released yesterday on the Australian cannabis market has shown a significant increase in the medicinal cannabis market over the past two years, with Australians expected to spend a billion dollars on prescribed medicinal cannabis in 2024.
HRT form affects heart and clot risks
Thursday | Nov 28 2024A LARGE international study has found that some hormone replacement therapy (HRT) preparations taken by women to alleviate menopausal symptoms are linked to a higher risk of heart disease and rare but serious blood clots.
Uber Caregiver launches
Thursday | Nov 28 2024UBER has announced the launch of Uber Caregiver, a new feature designed to help make transport easier for Australian caregivers and care recipients.
Be the butterfly
Thursday | Nov 28 2024ALIGNING your pharmacy with WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods can help drive foot traffic and increase basket sizes, backed by a leading store design — more on page six.
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