CSL set to grow in 2010
Wednesday | Dec 8 2010AUSTRALIAN pharmaceutical company CSL has said it expects it will grow its research and development sector.
APESMA rights campaign
Tuesday | Dec 7 2010THE Pharmacists’ Division of the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia (PDA) has announced.
API’s new trading terms
Tuesday | Dec 7 2010THE impact of Pfizer ceasing sales of its prescription medication through wholesalers (PD yesterday), in combination.
Board boosts intern capacity
Monday | Dec 6 2010PHARMACY students hoping to gain internship have been given a helping hand, after an agreement between.
Pfizer to bypass wholesalers
Monday | Dec 6 2010PFIZER has announced a major change in its distribution strategy in Australia, with prescription medications to.
Vit D and calcium revised
Friday | Dec 3 2010STUDIES into the protective qualities of Vitamin D and calcium against cancer, heart and autoimmune diseases.
ASMI on codeine warning
Friday | Dec 3 2010NON-prescription medicines containing codeine are safe when used in accordance with labelling instructions, according to The.
Men speaking out on health
Thursday | Dec 2 2010AUSTRALIAN men suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia may mistake their symptoms as a natural part of.
PBS festive season changes
Thursday | Dec 2 2010YESTERDAY seven new medicines became available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, for patients suffering a range.
Flu pandemic officially over
Wednesday | Dec 1 2010HEALTH minister Nicola Roxon today announced that Australia’s Pandemic Alert level would move from PROTECT to.