Pharmacy Daily has teamed up with Keysun and is giving away Fabulous Mirror Shine to three lucky readers every day this week.
Introducing Fabulous Mirror Shine! It’s a top coat, dryer and sealer all in one!
It gives nails a mirror shine and longer lasting nail polish by forming a super-hard, protective shield that surrounds and seals nail colour, allowing the nail polish to last longer and remain chip free.
Mirror Shine protects your nails and helps to give them strength. No more chipping, No more breaking! It also has a quick dry application allowing nails to dry in seconds!
To win your very own Fabulous Mirror Shine, simply be one of the first three people to send in the correct answer to the question below to:
Monday 05 September 2011
Fabulous Mirror Shine allows nail polish to last longer and remain _________.
Tuesday 06 September 2011
Fabulous Mirror Shine is a top coat, dryer and what?
Wednesday 07 September 2011
Fabulous Mirror Shine protects your nails & helps to give them _______
Thursday 08 September 2011
What nail care brand does the Mirror Shine belong to?
Friday 09 September 2011
Get longer lasting _______ with Fabulous Mirror Shine.
Hint! Visit