TELEVISION critics probably have every reason to lie about their verdict of Netflix's new series Apple Cider Vinegar - they could even say it cures cancer.
The premise of the show is about the spectacular rise and fall from grace by "wellness" advocate and proven con-artist Belle Gibson.
Netflix, to their credit, creatively describes the show as "a cultural interrogation of the times, exploring the birth of Instagram and the allure and rise of wellness culture".
Apple Cider Vinegar is directed by Jeffrey Walker and is a slightly loose adaptation of Gibson's web of deception as it creates a fictitious co-conspirator named Milla, also a wellness advocate running a similar path alongside Gibson.
The story follows the 2013 publishing of Gibson's successful app The Whole Pantry and her subsequent book deal and claims of curing brain cancer with raw milk, diet, exercise and alternative medicine.
A stellar cast of supporting actors have been assembled for the show, which was filmed in Melbourne earlier this year, including Aisha Dee, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Matt Nable, Ashley Zukerman, Chai Hanson and Catherine McClements, all of whom have a string of hit shows to their credit.
No official air date has been scheduled as yet, but Netflix says it's coming next year, so stay tuned for this one.
The above article was sent to subscribers in Pharmacy Daily's issue from 28 Nov 24
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